Source code for

from .mcs import *

[docs] class Net(MCS): """Dynamical networks simulation. Override this class to customize. Attributes: max_step: The max step. graphs: A list of `networkx.Graph` objects. step: The current step. """ def __init__(self, max_step: int): super().__init__(max_step) self.graphs = []
[docs] def initialize(self): """Sets up the initial network.""" g = nx.karate_club_graph() np.random.seed(42) for i in g.nodes: g.nodes[i]["state"] = np.random.random() self.graphs.append(g)
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): """Updates the states in the next step.""" self.coupled_oscillators(**kwargs)
[docs] def coupled_oscillators(self, a, b, dt): r"""Linearly coupled dynamical nodes: .. math:: d\theta_i/dt = b\theta_i + a\sum_{j\in N_i}(\theta_j-\theta_i). """ g = self.graphs[-1] g_next = g.copy() for i in g.nodes: theta_i = g.nodes[i]["state"] sum_ni = sum(g.nodes[j]["state"] - theta_i for j in g.neighbors(i)) g_next.nodes[i]["state"] = theta_i + (b * theta_i + a * sum_ni) * dt self.graphs.append(g_next) self.step += 1
[docs] def visualize(self, *, step: int = -1): """Visualizes the states of the network. Args: step: The step to plot. Returns: A `matplotlib.figure.Figure` object. """ g = self.graphs[step] fig, ax = plt.subplots() nx.draw( g, pos=nx.spring_layout(g, seed=42), ax=ax, node_color=[np.sin(g.nodes[i]["state"]) for i in g.nodes],, vmin=-1, vmax=1, ) return fig