Source code for mcs.pde

from .mcs import *

[docs] class PDE(MCS): """PDEs simulation. Override this class to customize. Attributes: max_step: The max step. dim: The number of variables. dt: The time step. dh: Spatial resolution. size: Size of grid. f: An `~numpy.ndarray` of shape (max_step, size, size, dim) representing the states. step: The current step. """ def __init__(self, max_step: int, dim: int, dt: float, dh: float, size: int): super().__init__(max_step) self.dim = dim self.dt = dt self.dh = dh self.size = size self.f = np.zeros((max_step, size, size, dim))
[docs] def initialize(self): """Sets up the initial conditions.""" x = y = np.arange(0, self.dh * (self.size + 1), self.dh) self.xv, self.yv = np.meshgrid(x, y) np.random.seed(42) self.f[0, ..., 0] = 1 + np.random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01, (self.size, self.size)) self.f[0, ..., 1] = 1 + np.random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01, (self.size, self.size))
[docs] def update(self, *, F: Callable = None): r"""Updates the states in the next step. Args: F: A state transition function corresponding to :math:`\partial f/\partial t = F(f,...,x,y,t)`. """ if F is None: F = self._identity config = self.f[self.step] self.step += 1 self.f[self.step] = config + F(config) * self.dt
[docs] @staticmethod def turing(a, b, c, d, h, k, Du, Dv, dh): r"""Reaction-diffusion equations: .. math:: \partial u/\partial t = a(u-h) + b(v-k) + D_u \Delta u \partial v/\partial t = c(u-h) + d(v-k) + D_v \Delta v. """ def dfdt(config): lap = PDE._laplacian(config, dh) u, v = np.moveaxis(config, -1, 0) delta_u, delta_v = np.moveaxis(lap, -1, 0) du = a * (u - h) + b * (v - k) + Du * delta_u dv = c * (u - h) + d * (v - k) + Dv * delta_v return np.stack([du, dv], axis=2) return dfdt
@staticmethod def _laplacian(u, dh): assert u.ndim == 3 u_r = np.roll(u, -1, axis=1) u_l = np.roll(u, 1, axis=1) u_u = np.roll(u, -1, axis=0) u_d = np.roll(u, 1, axis=0) return (u_r + u_l + u_u + u_d - 4 * u) / (dh**2)
[docs] def visualize(self, *, step: int = -1, indices: List[int] = None): """Visualizes the states of the system using heatmap. Args: step: The step to plot. indices: A list of indices of the states to plot. If `None`, plot all states. Returns: A list of `matplotlib.figure.Figure` objects. """ figs = [] indices = np.arange(self.dim) if indices is None else indices for state in indices: fig, ax = plt.subplots() pcm = ax.pcolormesh(self.xv, self.yv, self.f[step, ..., state], vmin=0, vmax=2) ax.set_aspect("equal") fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax) figs.append(fig) return figs