Synteny comparison#


L. ferriphilum ML-04 and L. ferriphilum YSK, two strains having complete genome were selected for comparison. Their sequences were downloaded and decompressed. BLAST was used to make a database of my assembly and then produce crunch files for ACT to view comparison.

makeblastdb -in lfts.fasta -out lfts -dbtype nucl
blastn -query ml04.fna -out lfts_ml04.crunch -db lfts -outfmt 6
blastn -query ysk.fna -out lfts_ysk.crunch -db lfts -outfmt 6
  • -outfmt 6 is required for ACT

Results and discussion#

ACT The sequence in the middle is my contigs.fasta. Considering the circular feature of the genome, the first contig aligns well with both ML-04 and YSK. The size of contig 1 is larger and a new region is presented.

Q & A#